As the school year wraps up, and I see all the graduation ceremonies from pre-k, kinder, elementary, etc as I see all the school activities… splash day, field day, etc.
As I see all the commotion it stirs in my heart that we live a very different life than most. I would lie if I said that there were times that it bothered me. But then I am reminded, that God calls His children to live differently. And everyone chooses what path that may be.
We chose the homeschooling path after the wrecking ball that was 2020. My heart was already being led there by the Lord, but I needed my husband to be on board. It didn’t take long until he also decided that path was what was best for our daughters.
So to all the mamas who are not the room mom but the homeschooling mom... the mom who wears all the hats 24/7 with no breaks.
Where we don’t have splash day or field day at the end of the school year, because those occur almost every day in our school year.
Where we color outside the lines
Work on spelling in sheet pans of sugar or salt

Where my girls look at horse encyclopedias with legs dangling form a tree or swinging with a chicken
To the moms who get to sleep in as most are bustling out the door at 6:30 am
To the moms who snuggle up with their kiddos for read aloud book time at 9 am with coffee on the couch on Monday mornings
Where our creativity knows no bounds and our classroom is the whole house, the whole backyard and as much of nature as we can seek
Where math looks like going to the grocery store with a budget, picking out items, calculating prices, and then checking out and talking to an adult with eye contact
Where writing looks like letters to friends all over the country and picking your own writing prompts
Picnic lunches on the back porch discussing types of horses
Science = nature walks, observing the life cycle of a chicken (and chicken breeding…), growing a garden, staring at cloud formations, baking banana bread, and room to be wild + free

Socialization looks like gathering with our co-op for hikes on a Tuesday morning, swimming on a Thursday morning and like-minded mamas sipping on coffee encouraging each other or heading out to learn about horses on a Wednesday morning.
Reading = a book club where we read wholesome classics like Mary Poppins, Black Beauty or Trumpet of the Swan every day and then present what was learned in unique ways

Our days look vastly different from most with our wide open schedule, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I love that my girls get to grow with me and be out in nature as much as possible. I love that they are not only siblings, but classmates and get to problem solve, practice communication, use their imaginations in the great unknown.
I love that I get to integrate in God’s design, Biblical truth and moments of praise all day long.
I love that I get to be the gatekeeper to what they read, discuss and learn about.
I love that they are creating relationships with children of all ages and learn to work together in those different age groups.
I love that my children can talk to adults and teens with eye contact and confidence.
I love that we get to bake at 11 am on a rainy day and turn it into a science lesson.

I love that we have time. Sure our house is a mess 99% of the time because we are in it, living, learning and growing not apart, but together.
I love that we are creating a learning environment not based on tests or achievement or performance, but on critical thinking, individuality, God's design and grace.
I love that my girls will get to cherish and treasure an innocent childhood prolonged in a world that wants to speed up their growth faster than their brains and bodies are ready.
Each mama has to make a decision on what is right for her cubs within their lifestyle… this is where God has called us to be. It is so much more than teaching, it is freedom to learn outside the box.
I truly feel I got my family back and was empowered as a mama once we stepped out of the societal mold of education.

There’s a growing movement of parents who are out to save childhood. Where our culture tells kids to achieve more, these mothers whisper: Slow down. Where schools push for performance through standardized testing, these parents whisper: Chase wonder. Where entertainment beckons kids to screens, the rivers and forests whisper: Come be wild and free. – Ainsley Arment
p.s. if you haven't watched The Homeschool Awakening you should (even if you love public or private school)
p.s.s if you are interested in homeschooling I'd love to chat! I find it incredibly freeing and empowering.