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The Man in the Booth

Writer: Lauren WiatrekLauren Wiatrek

As we were helping Evan get ready for the mission trips, picking up rental vans, gassing up vans, etc we stopped briefly at Chick Fil A for lunch. The girls ran to the bathroom.

Immediately, as we got to our booth I noticed a young man donning something like a marine would wear, sitting alone. As I sat in my booth, I noticed tears running down his face. My heart instantly broke for him, I’ve realized what an empath I am. Whatever he was going through I felt it was difficult.

With a heavy heart, I told Evan I wanted to check on him somehow. But it’s scary reaching out of your comfort zone to check on a stranger.

Chick Fil A was swarming with people, no one seemed to notice this hurting individual. I started writing a note on our receipt that I was going to somehow give him, telling him he was loved and hoping his day would get better. Before I dropped it off, I went to get our drinks.

As I was walking back to our booth, I saw Evan turn around and engage with the guy. They exchanged briefly and then I sat down. The man gathered his food, belongings, and left. Evan told me that Henley had immediately noticed him when she came back (I think she is also a empath like her mama) from the bathroom and asked him if he was okay. The man shared that he was having a hard day, he had lost his wife. He told the girls to hug their mom and to always say I love you.

This powerful moment left me remembering what it was like when my world stopped and yet everyone else’s kept spinning. This became a mind blowing realization for me. I remember standing in Trader Joe’s shortly after being told I had breast cancer and people laughing, walking by happily by, shopping for gatherings.

And my insides wanted to scream, “don’t you know?? Stop!”

Life doesn’t stop. Despite the tragedy, hardship, loss, diagnosis the world just does not stop.

But we, as followers of Christ, are called to stop. To stop and care for the needy. Needy doesn’t always mean financial need, but can be emotional need or physical need or even spiritual need.

Jesus's last commandment for His people was to love God and love people. This means SEEING His people.

This means not packing our schedule up so much that we aren’t able to leave space to serve and love others.

This means taking time to notice those that need to be lifted up, like this man.

I’ll never forget him and I pray the Lord will comfort him and give him rest in his grief.

If you are in need please reach out. Do not believe the lies that it doesn’t matter or people are too busy or that you are “fine” when you know deep down you are not.

I am honored to do what I can for those in need.

I love this reminder...

Psalm 34: 18-24: The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. The LORD redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him.



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